Sunday, 21 March 2010

Happy 5th Birthday DS!

Sorry It's a bit late, but HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY NINTENDO DS!

Last week marked the DS' 5th year in the UK and the release of the new DSi XL. Unfortunately, I haven't picked one up because 1) I'm already happy with my regular DSi and 2) I don't really have the money anyway. Anywho, coming from the people who own Nintendo's latest incarnation of it's dual screened handheld say the DSi XL is awesome. You really can't tell how big the system actually is until you see it with your own eyes. Many games also appear better on the bigger screens than they did on previous handhelds. The people's conclusion? Very positive indeed! If you don't own a DSi, then by all means pick an XL up. If you're like me and own a regular DSi, then maybe not.

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